Saturday 23 March 2013

Now I'm Not One to Complain, but....

To awaken to yet another day of snowdrifts is not pleasant.  After all such snow usually only arrives at Easter, and that is next week!  I've just wandered around for the veg from the market and found the poor lads covered in snow.  Frozen veg today indeed!  Friends are driving all the way to the Scottish border today, they ought to be stuck in snow on a motorway somewhere by now.  There will be cries of "Why does this happen?"  "Why are we not prepared?" "It's someones fault!"  By Tuesday, when it has all gone we will be complaining that councils spend too much buying grit for snow that never comes!  Tsk!

I've had this phone for a wee while now, I still canny work it!  Today I have been attempting to text someone, that's SMS to some of you.  I have read the feeble instructions, many times, attempted to text by pressing all the buttons, even on occasion creating writing, yet it will not work!  The problem is finding how to create the message, if that turns up, which it doesn't mostly, I find the message turns into numbers before I can find the number to call!  Imagine me if i had an ipod or tablet!  I have discovered how much cash I have left on this brute, I have yet to work out how to send a text.  Mind you my niece sent me one a while back, I found it today....

In all is was a very cold day in which I used up much of our dwindling gas supplies.  Yesterday we were informed we had 36 hours gas supply left in the UK, today we are informed we have only 36 hours gas left.  Hmmm, someone is attempting to fiddle us somewhere, and profits are going to increase I can tell you!  During the attempt to keep warm I discovered the spoon that disappeared the other week.  It was in the cupboard, hiding!  I did little else but watch football, and that was poor.  I also read this, which was interesting: It made me think once again.



  1. I pretend I can't use my cell phone because the instructions are in wouldn't matter if they were in the clearest of English, I just don't relate to what they say.

  2. Way back, in the nineties, remember them?, few of us had the new-fangled phobile moans, but my brother and I, trying to run a business providing maintenance services to industrial and commercial properties, decided to embrace the future.
    We bought a pair of Nokia phones, that choice being on the grounds that they had the longest battery-life then available. My dad's company had a motorola, which was normally plugged into the car, but could be portable if you carried a battery pack the size of a briefcase. Our new Nokia bricks were the marvel of the age. Green screens. I dropped one 120 feet off the top of a wind-turbine and it survived.

    If you put your phone down on a table, curious people would mess with it, and change settings. I cured that, pretty much, by setting the operating language to finnish.

    Now I have super megatechnology. The battery life is poorer than I had nearly twenty years ago.

    But it does more things than ever Dan Dare dreamed of. Still no flying car though.

  3. I don't own a mobile/cell phone and have no intentions of doing so. I have no need for one.

    I'm probably the Last of the Mohicans...but I don't don't care! I stand fast and firm!!!

    That's not good that you are all still freezing your butts off up that way, Adullamite...not good at all!

    I'll see if I can sent a little warmth and sunshine your way. :)

  4. I meant to type "send" not "sent"...but I sent the post before I could amend my typo!!!

  5. Helen, I wish mine was in Spanish, I could use that as an excuse.

    Soub, I had to use one of those bricks at one time, about a foot square!

    Lee, It's warm today, just above freezing....

  6. Zno, zno, more zno.

    Up with it I am fed.


  7. Soub, Hope maybe for April.;sess=

  8. I don't remember hearing anything about there being a UK gas shortage. Have you been refusing to be tapped again? Just wait until fracking starts being employed back there...

  9. I'm going to Texas on Wednesday.

    It's not snowing there. Just hope the airport isn't closed.

  10. Jerry, They claim £136 Billion worth of gas via fracking, but it is unlikely to happen for a while.

    Soub, You will be out of action for months then! So will she, what will we do? I hope you can get there OK.

  11. What I like about a wooden spoon is that it is really simple. You can do all kinds of things with it but none of them tax the brain. Sometimes we need stuff like this!


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