Saturday 9 February 2013

So,what was it....?

It lies here, just of the old railway, turning green and falling apart.  It reminds me a lot of myself.  I suppose it once formed part of Farmer Brown's life and was parked here and forgotten.  It may even be a stolen vehicle dumped by thoughtless youths.  Whatever it was it no longer is.  

I came across it after having a touch of the sun this morning!  The sky was blue, the sun shining, and I was fooled into getting in the bike and trundling out.  I became further fooled by the thought that I could meander up the old railway and see the country, even though the fields all around were covered in white frost as I left.  I forgot that the sun shines in Antarctica also!   I donned my cap and thick gloves and sallied forth.  How nice to be up early and on the bike again.  I have not been up there for months.  The place looks a bit weather beaten, much has been cut back by the Rangers, and their keep fit volunteers, although selfish folks with dogs think standing in the middle of the track is funny.  Words could easily be exchanged with some of these dog lovers.  

Just imagine, cold sunshine, snowdrops appearing, even some blossom appearing on one or two scraggy bushes.  The finches sang,  dogs wagged tails, and I now ache all over.  Anyone got time to do massage.....? 



  1. Well, you've stumped me there.
    Can't tell the scale from the picture. More pics needed....

    I like to walk across winter fields, I always have the tiny possibility in my mind that I might find a fragment of mediaeval pottery, or a roman's buckle, or a saxon king's gold hoard, there, at my feet, glinting in the sun, upturned by the plough.

  2. Being so very far away, I cannot volunteer to give you a massage unless it's a massage of your ego, Adullamite! ;)

    I bet you felt great after your ride in the outdoors, though...even if full of aches and pains when it was all over.

    I was going to say, "I bet you felt like a new man!"...but after you massage request..."a new woman" is probably a better choice!

  3. If this was America it would be an UFO. But given your area, a couple of lads stole a vehicle and crashed it, then tried to find somewhere to hide the evidence. And many years later you've unearthed the remnants.

  4. It does look like a deceased grasshopper!

  5. Soub, Looks like an old farm trailer, but canny be sure. Tons of 'finds' in this area, but none under my feet.

    Lee, Massage ego is OK! The new woman is urgent, those shirts need ironing!

    Mo, A UFO! Brilliant! if I send it to the Daily Mail they may well use it as such. Riches await!

    Lee, Gey big grasshopper!

  6. It is either a thingamabob or a thingamajig. Both were used when dewhickies were in season back before using a whatchamacallit became commonplace.

  7. Jerry, Not sure if it's a thingymybob.

  8. It's ages since I have been on my bike. Good to see some snowdrops. And I don't know what that thing is either.

  9. Jenny, The bike weather will return.


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