Thursday 20 December 2012

Bright Lights

Howling wind, pouring rain, freeezing cold (this is the weather forecast) and in the shopping centre we have a man selling Candy Floss!  Now when young I LOVED candy floss, who didn't? However I just could not find enough pennies in my pockets (full of holes) when required so had to do without.  As it happens the man appears to have gone walkies so I am out of luck anyway.  I was hoping for pictures of people with brollies against the bright lights but it did not work out they way I wanted.  In fact it is very difficult to picture rain.  You can photograph umbrellas, rain drops, rain on windows, puddles etc, but rain itself, even when heavy, is hard to picture.  Another problem is that the photographer gets wet, and I can do without that thank you!

Roll on tomorrow, the Shortest Day!



  1. I saw hot cross buns for sale in Tescos tonight...

  2. It seems that I missed the worst, by the look of this!

    I did like the lights in Oxford Street this year, complete with Marmite bottles.....

    Things always seemed to cheer up once the shortest day had come and gone, that extra minute or so of light meant a lot!

  3. Your tomorrow is our today here...therefore making our today your tomorrow; and therefore our today makes it the longest day of the year. I guess that's why the Mayans picked the 21st...for them up there in the Northern Hemisphere they can get the end of the world over and done with in a shorter time. Down here it'll be dragged out...but then, we'll be over and done with it all before you guys up there get under way! Hmmmmmm....I hadn't thought this out before I started typing...

    We call Candy Floss - "Fairy Floss" in this country...and I kind of like the latter title suits better...well, I think so. I've not had any Fairy Floss in years and years.

  4. Goodness me, I would be over the moon at the sight of the Candy Floss/Popcorn Stand, it is GORGEOUS!
    Interesting, we say "Cotton Candy" here in the States, and also, at one time, popcorn was not popular in England, but I notice that it is now. It must be my influence, that is it, I am sure of it.

  5. Rain just looks grubby, as though your camera needs a polish. Your first picture is very pretty but the second picture is very wet indeed. I like!!

  6. Mike, That's awful, it really is. Mind you in Leith they may be last years....

    Fly, You missed it indeed! Lucky girl.

    Lee, er, yes that's is how I see it, I think.....

    Kay, Your influence is often mentioned in the House of Commons.

    A, Rain is grubby, and the camera may well need a clean now.

  7. Candy floss? IT'S COTTON CANDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Oh back there across the pond have quite a way with words.)

  8. I wasn't casting nasturtiums at your camera or your rain. I meant "your camera" as in "one's camera", or more likely even mine.

  9. Jerry, In the FREE WORLD it is called CANDY FLOSS.

    A, Nasturtiums! I er, I ,,,,er,,,I,,,eh...?


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