Monday 15 October 2012

I wasn't Going to, But I Did!

You see I rarely watch television.  I watch the football, 'Eggheads' and the News, plus occasional other programmes.  I watch these through the laptop now as the old TV died when analogue went out.  Actually I had Freeview on another TV for a while but destroyed this by turning it on via the plug, and as it was switched on it blew!  It takes up more space catching dust. Technology does not become me. However as I looked around the neatly laid out living quarters (I have recently rearranged everything) I suddenly felt a TV would be a good idea after all.  Now I am reluctant to spend money, especially as there is so little available, however I have a couple of bob to spend at the moment to replace the worn out and dead items that have accumulated over recent times.  So when I walked in the freezing sun this afternoon I suddenly decided to pop into Tesco and see if one of their suitable TV's were reduced.  Glory be they were!  So I went for it and now have 75 channels of pap on call.  Well actually a few are channels you pay for, so I will not be having them, and one or two are the dubious late night ones which are long past my cocoa.  Strangely enough I am enjoying watching an aged edition of 'Time Team' in somewhat too brilliant colour.  This is typical of my life, what others take for granted I am able to enjoy as a new experience as it is yonks since I actually had a TV on call.  Of coourse there is a problem, there always is I find, I only have an inside aerial.  This means that, being digital, almost every time a car passes the picture shakes.  This will always happen when football is on!  

Now if some one will pay me £50 a month I will add the football!  

Hello?  Hello?  Where is everyone....? 



  1. I think there is something wrong with our aerial too. When the wind is in the wrong direction the picture freezes or breaks up into little bits. I think it's something to do with the wire leading up to the roof blowing in the wind.

  2. I support Everton, you would have to pay my 50 quid to add to my suffering. Lifes to short to endure taunts from Anfield every 6 months.

  3. Oh, just admit it, you will love your new TV, you know you will!

  4. My dad always called it The Idiot Box .... beware of leaching brain cells!


  5. Mametz, You will get few taunts this season.

    Kay, First thing this morning it was on, and soon off! Early morning breakfast TV is awful.

    RDG, Duh?

  6. Jenny, The wind does affect the picture. Why I don't know.

  7. Well, good for you for springing for a new TV. I guess. Now you can sell your bike...

  8. Max, I have not been on the bike this year at all. Sad state of affairs.

  9. Well, if the picture shakes while watching your beloved futbol, at least you could see something actually happening on the screen.


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