Tuesday 4 September 2012

New Villains

What with an election just over a year away the head honcho has to gather his gang around him and make plans to ensure the little people don't catch him out.  To this end our Prime Minister shuffled his cabinet and sadly offered us more of the same, with a slightly differing flavour, and the certainty that if they play their cards right the Labour Party will form the next government.  Thatcher and her hard hearted mob took up around 13 years of our lives.  John   Major held Labour out for over five, winning one election while doing so.  Tony Blair held of Gordon Brown   the Tories for over ten years before Gordon was brought down by the economic collapse, three years after taking over.  In spite of the unpopularity long time governments receive he almost won the election!  It was only a deal between the 'Toffs,' Cameron & Clegg, both selling out their own parties to do so, that got them, unwanted, into government.  Now they will prepare to lie & cheat for the next 18 months or so while the world falls apart, the economy stutters, war here there and everywhere, Afghanistan continues, and most folks remain glued to soap operas whatever rulers win.   Labour will win by a landslide, there is no mistake there, the two criminals and a few other failures will ride off into a well heeled sunset, and .....and then what?  We lose one set of incompetents and replace them with Mister Ed.  Suddenly the future is not any better.....



  1. Not so much a shuffle,more like the three card trick...

  2. I'm seriously thinking of joining the Labour party. I've never belonged to a political party before but these people are just a disaster.

  3. Fly, That's all they have left.

    Jenny, Hmmm not sure I would join any, not even the SNP these days.

  4. With such sunny optimism, how can you fail?

  5. Max, I'm always looking ion the bright side.

  6. I can't ask my English husband just now, but are "Toffs" the same as "Toffee nosed gits" which is the term that he uses.
    I really must make sure I understand this sophisticated English language.

  7. Its scary having a bunch of school boys in charge. Scarier still is the lack of alternatives.

  8. Kay, Toffs is very similar. It represents rich folks looking down on others with some sort of superiority, real or imagined. People out of touch with the common man like Cameron is.

    Mo, No alternatives appear on the horizon.


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