Wednesday 26 September 2012

CoE Choice

So the discussions are under way.  The Crown Nominations Committee meet to thrash out who is the best of the motley collection lined up to replace the outgoing Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams.  Under the Law of England & Wales the Anglican (Church of England) is required to ask the Prime Minister to choose the Bishop and Archbishops of the church.  This is because the church is linked into the unwritten (and rightly) constitution of the country.  The Church of Scotland of course runs in a differing fashion.  The Nominations committee select two candidates and the PM gives his choice.  In the comedy 'Yes Prime Minister,' PM Jim Hacker is offered a choice of two, "I have to choose between an atheist and a Marxist?" he says.  The comedy was near the truth in many cases.  It is time I say that the connection between the church and state was ended.  No church should be interfered with by any government.  The church must look to the Lord of the church himself, not to political connections.  This may affect the constitutional situation, but that's too bad.  Past history has distorted both the church and the state.  The BBC have linked Five leading names for this job, and some brief details of their opinions on various subjects. I found it relevant that Jesus and their relationship with him and his word was not given a look in.  That says much about the BBC, the Anglican church and the men named.  Just what PM Cameron will think I could not say.  He will be too busy getting the same sex marriage bill through anyway.



  1. Yes Prime Minister was too darned close to reality!

  2. Now who is this guy again? And CoE? Sebastian CoE?

  3. Perhaps the new Archbishop of Canterbury could help the Episcopal Church in the USA over the issue of same sex marriages. One lives in hope.

  4. I definitely vote for separation of church and state .... of course I'm only a small voice from a rebellious group of colonists ....


  5. Mike, Indeed, and a new version is out soon!

    Max, Nothing for you to worry your pretty little heads about.

    Kay, He has no power but persuasion. So far it has merely kept them separate.

    RDG,Typical colonial rebels!


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