Wednesday 1 August 2012


Friends, how nice to have them.  Two, and I have at least one more, arrived on a visit today, the first time we have met face to face for about fifteen years. They are staying with their friends who have moved into this locale, and good luck to them, so took time out to meet handsome young me.  How they have aged while I stay the same!  They have not changed mind.  She immediately went off for a nose around into everything, typical woman!  She did ask first, which was most unlike her.  Had I said "No!" she would have gone ahead anyway.   

We first me forty years ago when I wandered into the church on Westbourne Grove, London, he was running at the time.  Having only been there just over a year he was young and eager, and delighted to trap another into attending.  Three years later I returned after a period back in Edinburgh, this time I was indeed trapped and found a home there.  Most folks who walk into 'The Grove' find it becomes a 'home.'  Many around the world have been there for a few short years (very London that) and have memories of their time there.  Once the pair had left and moved to the coast many kept in touch and as my 'spiritual adviser' (if shouting loud 'Why?' can be called advising)  we have been close ever since.  They became my second family, the first rusting away in the Edinburgh downpours (how lovely summer is up there) and I miss them and all their adventures.  Sometimes being far from folks is a good thing, but not always.

To sit for a couple of hours and discuss this and that was a treat, even though I had to rush around cleaning the place, looks like another new Hoover bag is needed already!  What laughs gossiping about other folks,well she did, men don't do that.  What a funny old world it is as people from their time at the 'Grove' are found all over the world, even in Mongolia of all places!  Folks we knew have been through some strange experiences, some good some bad, and even the renovated building now has flats at the top that cost over £2 million each!  Looking at pics of the modern flats where broken pews and peeling paints once stood is quite something.  'The Grove' itself remains the same as always I suspect.  Time marches on, and the mice run up the clock as someone said, or something.  OI!  I've just realised, that git has gone off with my pen!  Typical!



  1. good for you, Adullamite. if old friends called on me, i'd make them meet me at starbucks or something equal .... the stress of sprucing up the place is just too great!

    "and a good time was had by all ..."


  2. RDG, Yes indeed, but in your case there would be too many friends for any Starbucks (and they cost money).

  3. Sweet to say but patently untrue. I have less than a handful .... unless I count my 5 faithful blog readers (which includes you). For a party of less than 10, I'd spring for the drinks. But I cannot guarantee you a great cuppa .... :)


  4. Glad you had such a nice meeting, and good that you stayed in touch. It really is fun to meet up with people from way back. I find it strange to think that the time I shared with friends of long ago was once my whole life. Now it's just a part of my memory. G

  5. It is good for people like you to think that they actually have friends. Okay, I really don't have any idea why, but my spiritual adviser told me that it made it sound like I cared.

  6. Isn't it interesting how our friends seem to age but WE of course never do.

  7. RDG, You are my cuppa!

    Jenny, So true. Once we lived a different life!

    Jerry, You care.....?

    Mo, I'm still 25......

  8. Boab? Wasn't that Ruth's farmer friend? :)

  9. I don't think she had a last name. She was David's great grandmother but he didn't have a last name either. Boab (also no last name) let her glean. At least that's what she called him. She had a lisp and a heavy Moabite accent.

  10. ax, I think you refer to Boaz. he was not Scots....


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