Wednesday 6 June 2012

Wednesday Trivia

I discovered this interesting quiz in the Graniud the other day.  It is well worth wasting a few minutes of your valuable time to get the wrong answers here.  Have fun!
Where should you emigrate? Click here!

I didn't mean to post this but this laptop has a mind of its own. 
 I may be wrong but is that a 'For Sale' sign I see before me.....?

This beastie reflects my mood this week.  You see I had a great time on Monday.  My best looking, most intelligent, classical trained and favourite niece came all this way out of grotty London to see me.  How lovely to have a visitor.  At least the place has been cleaned up, the dust polished away and the floor hoovered.  I also found where most of those frozen peas went that time!  Hiding the remaining stench behind vanilla candles she cooked my dinner (oh joy!) and we discussed the family, the world, her future, Bartock and Stravinsky (which she has played magnificently) and all sorts of meaningless rubbish (the family) and I at least had a real good time.  Since that visit my life has been lonely, dark, empty, and shorn of joy.  The lifted heart droops when you know she will not reappear for another ten years, or at least it will seem that long.  So I look like yon joker placed there to bring fun and joy to the carnival at the weekend.  I don't think I can go on, I feel suicidal, the empty cold rooms, no bright young thing to listen to.......

Hold on, what's that?  Oh yeah!  Football starts tomorrow night!  EURO 2012.  Oh well it's just as well she isn't here. You know what women are like when football is on......  

A more important piece of trivia is shown on this picture.  It was here on the night of June 5th 1944 that D-Day began.  Men of the Ox & Bucks Light infantry landed here in gliders and took possession of the bridge over the Caen Canal.  The 6th Airborne Division thus began the liberation of Europe.  The film 'The Longest Day' portrayed this action quite well.  This is not surprising as John Howard, who led this action advised and Richard Todd, who took Howards part in the film, landed with the paras shortly afterwards to reinforce the hold on the bridge!  A further piece of trivia comes from the new French president visiting war graves at a British cemetery at Ranville Cemetery.  Many of those buried there fell in this action.  This act is notable as the French have made a point of ignoring Britain's part in freeing France from occupation.  The royal family themselves were snubbed at the 65th D-Day commemoration when Sarkozy went to Omaha Beach and ignored the British contribution.  Today's event was meant to patch up that mistake, but Sarkozy himself was not around to participate!  The French leaders have never liked to admit British help in two wars, most French people are less reticent.  

That steamroller must have been going at some speed when it hit this fellow!



  1. I will try to address your wonderful five posts one at a time. (Does this mean you will not post again until Monday next?)

    1. A planet. At first glance I took this to be Earth, but upon closer scrutiny I find I don't recognize any of the land masses. This may be a view of Earth from the other side, as if one had looked on the back of an official map of the world. It is interesting, rather brown.

    I did take your test or quiz, although I didn't understand some of the words. Like "emigrate." I said I would prefer to live in a place that had lots of wide open spaces and mountains, pictures of horses, and lots of beef to eat. They said I should move to Australia. I shall miss the American West.

    2. The second picture was much easier to identify. This is the wonderful Parthenon - so obviously we are in Nashville, Tennessee. Did not spy the for sale sign. Centennial Park seems to have dropped down so that the Parthenon is now on a cliff. Odd. Perhaps an earthquake in Nashville only the Guardian reported. Perhaps that is why they are selling it?

    3. The creature picture is obviously one of the denizens who walk up and down the Hollywood Walk of Fame handing out advertising literature. How I wish I had a niece who could still stand the sight of me, much less visit and play and cook. Sad.

    4. The 4th picture you were good enough to identify, so I have no need to guess. If you HAD made me guess, I would have said, "The Caen Canal." I will say that those Tommys of the Ox and Bucks are the dog's bollocks when it comes to military camouflage, because I can't spot even one of them - on, under, on top of the bridge or even behind the trees. No wonder the French have shown such jealousy for all these years, eh? I wonder if any are still there today, in hiding. The British boys in camouflage, not the French. But, then, I suspect many of them are old and have dropped off the bridge and into the water by now. The hiding French, not the British boys.

    5. I didn't get the one about the steamroller. I did see the old dead fag between it's feet.

    I apologize for the brevity of this comment as I am being called for dinner and my train of though was interrupted. "Derailed", that train, Not called by a niece.

  2. hahahah .... re: Max's comment. I'm with you on the dark days ... can't think of a darn thing to post. Nothing is sparking my interest right now. Other than cruising my favorite blogs and commenting :)


  3. I should emigrate to Australia, except that I don't want to emigrate.
    Still, if I did, Australia might be the best place, except I'd prefer somewhere nearer.

    Saw some wonderful boats at the flotilla, peering above peoples shoulders and waving union jacks. Some of them were at DDay. I am told the BBC commentary was total rubbish so I was probably better off watching them by the river and listening to what people around me said they were, than looking at it on the telly and hearing about someone;s latest album.

    These captchas get worse and worse.

  4. Oh well done, The Grauniad!. I'm emigrating to Texas. Not that the Guarniud agrees, but hey, that's my choice.
    The earth, as Max said, the wrong bits. The bits everybody emigrates from, in order to live in england.
    As for the parthenon, though not the one in Nashvile, I can yell loudly "I've been there!".
    I was seventeen, and might just have discovered the mind-altering effects of Ouzo.
    Creature? I demand you take that portrait of me down immediately!
    Caen Canal. I like how they labelled it with waterproof floating paint.....

    RDG can probably think of lots to post, such as WHY she and her sister have a whole feet of reservations on a flight to Hell.
    "Welcome to Hell international, the temperature outside is.... Oh my, the thermometer just exploded!"
    I just hope they've saved a seat for me too. I just had an impure thought, which qualifies me for a seat upgrade.

    Pee.S.:-That Jenny Woolf, I think I saw her, peeing above people's shoulders. A good think most of them had umbrellas, I say.

  5. Max, I am so glad you stopped by, I began reading your comment early this morning and have just finished now. Are you Soub 2 perhaps?
    1) The reason you fail to recognise earth is because this is not the pic normally shown to those in the US stockade. It is a Russian photo of India. Who said you should move to Australia, the Guardian or your family?
    2)Nashville, Tennessee? What's that?
    3) Hollywood creature, right first time.
    4) Sigh....
    5) Sigh 2....

    RDG, The reason you don't post is because you are on Skype to Soub all day!

    Jenny, You must not move to Australia. Not because Max is going but we need you here! Ignore Soub, he overworks!
    Jubilees are better on TV, but the drivel spoken annoys.

    Soub, The Guarnad did not know about RGD when composing the questions.

  6. Hahaha. I SHOULD be on Skype to Soub - my phone bill is killing me right now. Something to do with Soub not having a very good internet connect ... As for the varied sinful acts I have committed to garner my fleets of jets to hell, I will remain mum. Some things don't need to be shared with the reading public.



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