Wednesday 23 May 2012

Anonymous Spam

Because by nature I am a sweet, kind, thoughtful sort of neanderthal I decided to lose the moderation and word verification bits.  Within 24 hours I was besieged by Spam!  The Moderation is now back on!  Mr 'Anonymous,' has so far offered me handbags, Jaques Vert, whatever that is and what looks like Russian porn.  Each day several attempts to spam old and new posts arrive.  To accompany this I note a rise in Spam on the e-mail also.  The Nigerian Prince must be in Jail at the moment as he has not been around for some time however several employment agencies wish to discuss executive jobs with me, some worth £30-50,000 at that.  Others offer me financial deals and several are keen to 'enlarge me,' for reasons I fail to understand.   It appears nothing can be done to stop the Spam industry, especially when daft folks actually buy from them!  I can appreciate people in the US buying cheap drugs form Mexico and Canada but are they genuine I wonder?  Are they safe?  The blue tablets might be genuine but you will only find out one way, and if not the real deal what will they do to you?  

In one sense I can understand legitimate companies offering their services this way, after all the leaflets that come through the door may annoy many folk but they do work!  That is why Royal Mail send three each week and wish to offer nine each week!  People buy from the leaflets, and Spam which appears genuine finds a buyer somewhere.  However much is junk, some dangerous, most porn.  I added the moderation at first because Chinese porn began to be a pest, the Chinese government soon after closed down thousands of such sites, but there are always others.  The Chinks did irritate by only offering their goods in Mandarin, which as you know appears only as little boxes for most of us.  Poor marketing their I think.    No doubt it will all fade away again, but until then the moderation remains,  and this also helps stop rude American males sending their greetings also.  That is useful innit?


  1. So far so good.
    I stopped moderation and word verification except for on older posts. If the spammers return, I'll bring it back. I hate the verminous bastards with a vengeance.

  2. I do not use anonymous either. I dislike word verification and I love to answer by email so I enjoy commenters who do not use no-reply-comment blogger.

    Very well said!

  3. Please forward any Russian porn to me for immediate disposal.

  4. I set up moderation because my last post was spammed 4 TIMES in a day !!

    I've turned it off again ... will wait and see. I really really really hate word verifications ... almost as much as I dislike spam!


  5. Soub, I will keep the moderation but ignore the word verification I reckon.

    Gail, Thank you.

    Max, 54 links on the way.....

    RDG, Spam is a pain. Word verification is a pain, but keep the moderation!

  6. It would seem that none of you are living right. For all of the unsolicited offers I receive are from lovely young lasses just looking to have a good time with a real man, and as soon as I can find where my wife hid the controller to my shock collar, I will be about showing them one!

  7. I pay BT £1.50 per month to weed out the spam from my email. Sometimes it works...

  8. Jerry, You will never find that controller.....

    Mike, waste of cash.....


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