Thursday 5 April 2012

Choried Picture

I had to officer.  You see I needed a background picture on this laptop and after searching through the few I had I concluded none were suitable.  I decided I required a picture of the sea.  That would be relaxing yet involve a sense of movement at the same time.  I had nothing remotely suitable myself but it was clear where such a picture could be choried, as we say in Edinburra.  So of I went to the young lass who constantly offers pictures of sea, sand and sunshine, 'A.'  I would love to be by the sea again, I miss the haar, the seagulls squawking, although they do pass by here, the birds chasing back and forth as the waves hit the beach while they grab the beasties for lunch, the smell of the water and the relaxing attitude it leaves behind.  'A' has it outside her window.  Life is so unfair!   I could have travelled all the way to Perth in Australia where PDP also offers bright sunshine filled pictures of tanned happy folks beside a blue sea, but preferred the B&W version I found on 'A's blog.  

Thalata! Thalata!



  1. I did that, did I? If it was black and white it must have been because the sea was dirty looking.

    I do have it outside the window, yes. I realise I am lucky. Also, often cold and windswept.

  2. A, That's a great shot! Thanks!

  3. That looks more like an English sort of sea. Are you sure it's not a colour photo?

  4. A scottish sea is usually much prettier, I don't know why. Clearer water or something.

  5. Jenny, Certainly an English sea.
    Scots seas are much colder....


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