Wednesday 25 January 2012

Rabbie Burns

Epitaph for James Smith

Lament him, Mauchline husbands a', 
He aften did assist ye; 
For had ye staid hale weeks awa, 
Your wives they ne'er had miss'd ye. 

Ye Mauchline bairns, as on ye press 
To school in bands thegither, 
O tread ye lightly on his grass, - 
Perhaps he was your faither!

Robert Burns spent four years in Mauchline, some say amongst his most formative.  He met and married Jean Armour, his 'Bonny Jean,' and would have known all the citizens of this small village, including James Smith and the wives around the town!  I will think of Rabbie as I partake of my tinned Haggis tonight!



  1. I didn't know you had Scottish blood. We were invited once to a Burns Night party. It was really fun but they never invited us again.

    Still not sure why!

  2. Happy Burns Night, Mr H!

  3. What IS a Burns night? Or am I just missing the point here...


  4. Jenny, Could finishing ALL their whisky be responsible....?

    Mike, And you good sir!

    RDG, Tsk!

    Jerry, A lovely wee village, and everybody knew each other in those days...


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