Wednesday 18 January 2012

Jack D

The Red Cross food parcel sent to me at Christmas by my intelligent sister (she knew this was cheaper than a present) contained, beside the Christmas pudding and instant custard, a miniature bottle of 'Jack Daniels' in a tin. Now I am not much of a drinker, half a bottle of Guinness and I'm anybody's, if they can pick me up off the floor, but I do like a nip of whisky or such like, especially late in the evening.  This is the first time I have tried Jack D and in spite of the poor spelling of Whisky, we all know Americans cannot spell,  I reckon I could grow to like this, if it was free!  A strange taste unlike most other whiskies but  somewhat similar to Laphroaig I think.  That is an acquire taste and one of the managers at Royal Mail had indeed managed to acquire a taste for this.  I suspect he would be wiling to acquire a taste for Jack D also!

World wide people develop strong spirits of one sort or another.  Scotch Whisky, Irish Whiskey, Arak the aniseed drink found in the middle east, and vodka, made from potatoes they say although I suspect grain is used more these days.  'Fire water' is popular world wide in one form or another and while beneficial in many ways, the only reason I use it, most are not concerned with the flavour, they just wish to get drunk! This is difficult to believe but I have known people to put orange juice into their whisky!  That individual enjoyed this alongside a bag of 'Kelp' seaweed.  He claimed this was his lunch!

I wonder if I sent the empty back to my dear sweet sister  would she refill it perhaps.....? 



  1. When I was a teenager my mum and dad lived in a country where drink was very very cheap. So when I came back to England to go to college, we went out to the pub on the first evening and I asked the guy who offered to buy me a drink for a Grand Marnier or green chartreuse, I didn't mind which. I still remember the look on his scruffy student face and at that point it dawned on me that I'd done something wrong....

  2. I'm drooling here...

  3. I'm just amazed that Jack D. came in a Red Cross parcel ... seems like my donations are buying more than just rice for the starving in Africa these days ...!

    glad you enjoyed!

  4. I never developed a taste for Scotch, but in all fairness, I didn't try very hard to. On the other hand, I tried really hard to make sure that the workers at the Jack Daniels Distillery had very healthy Christmas bonuses for several years. GOOD STUFF!!!

    P.S.: Lynchburg, TN, which is where the Jack Daniels Distillery is located, is in a dry county, and it is only by a special exception that even taste-testing can take place on the premises.

  5. Jenny, Grand Marnier! I can see his face now!

    Mike, I'm surprised....

    RDG, Keep contributing, the Africans need Jack D!

    Jerry, I found the website, hoping it offered samples....

  6. It's good for the man flu. Remember that.

  7. I just made myself a very hot Irish whiskey toddy (hope your Scottish pride is not hurt, but hence the JD I thought it would pass...) to "cure whatever ails me". Just have to wait and see about that, though.

    Talking about strong spirits from around the world, the Norwegian Aqua Vite is definitely made of potatoes, and is a neccessity together with traditional Norwegian food. It is also a treat on its own, like whiskey (must admit I haven't come round to the Scottish whiskys yet. But in due time...). If you happens to be in London next weekend, I'll bring you a full size Norwegian red Cross parcel:)

  8. Beate, I hope you don't have the virus I had, horrible experience that one.
    Use anything that works to fight it, although Scotch whisky works well there.....


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