Wednesday 28 December 2011

Nothing to Say, Again!

Boring day, felt too rough to go out, just as well the museum work was cancelled, so spent the day looking for my head while staring dumbly at the screen. The cough eases, it is merely deadly now, nothing has been done, and my head has been dimmed by the remnants of the Portuguese red!  While the sun shone at times here up north the wind is howling through Scotland and the north of Britain, this is playing havoc with the football and making life difficult for my team playing in the far north at Aberdeen, one of he coldest places on earth!  The Christmas week has an effect on everybody.  Some have run away to be with family, many have run away to avoid them!  Bloggers rarely post, or if the do many are limited by the need to attend to home affairs or seek affairs away from home, but that is something I hope they don't blog about! I feel sorry for those forced to work when the majority are skiving, for years I had to do the same, and it is nice to be off when everyone else is.  As I look around I see what is akin to the back of a dustbin lorry in this place. Some lazy good for nothing has not even bothered to hoover the floor, although I could eat of it, the amount of crumbs to be found there.  I may have to work tomorrow in any case, I need a clean plate eventually don't I?      

Look chaps, an answer to Mother in law's present worry  



  1. I, too, am finding it rather difficult to find anything to say or post. I'm dead tired, but working full on hours this week with demanding customers. Plus I have this mysterious cough ...! Hope the New Year brightens both of us up a bit. Feel better.


  2. RDG, You work too hard, and that bug is not good for you!

  3. Yes, a bug that just makes you long for death is worse than getting one that will actually kill you.

  4. Jerry, As you would know! How folks suffer long term pain I fail to understand. This is nearing an end but how you endure yours I do not know.

  5. Be assured that if I had a real choice in the matter--other than choosing to kill myself to end my relatively temporary suffering, only to face eternal damnation, I wouldn't.

    P.S.: Alas, I must have done went and gone plumb mad. For I had a silly grin on my face while trying to stifle a chuckle as I was writing that above, and IT AIN'T REALLY FUNNY AT ALL!!!


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