Saturday 31 December 2011

Hogmanay Again

Once again it is the last day of the year, Hogmanay!  The desperate need we all feel for a mid winter festival to encourage us to look toward the coming Spring is dealt with by the Scots by using Christmas as a religious festival and a time of giving to the kids, and by using the New Year celebration as a time for much drunkenness celebration .  Possibly this reflected the Calvinistic background that had much influence since the Reformation. The sober folks of the day were disinclined to encourage the observance of Christmas for a great many years.  Today things have changed, English domination of the media has encouraged many to use Christmas as an excuse for booze, and many in the south now pretend the New Year means something to them, although a Bacchanalian festivity is all that really matters to most. I first ventured out on such festivities along with my sister and her husband in the 60's. It was an enjoyable time had by all, wandering the streets from house to house, meeting good people and having a ball.  Today I am less interested and may well be asleep when the New Year arrives, and not because of the drink I must add.  I am not convinced that attitudes today are similar to those fun filled evenings. It seems to me there is a 'harder' edge to things today. 

The New Year of course does not begin until midnight and greetings are not exchanged before then, usually. However on the first chime of the clock greetings, kisses, and drinks are exchanged and the first footing follows on shortly after the year has begun. Celebrants will drag themselves to neighbours houses, carrying gifts, it used to be coal and Black Bun, the coal is less common today! Householders hope for a tall dark stranger to arrive on their doorstep, and I know quite a few women who would like that most days if truth be told but that is another thing, and welcomed guests are offered food and drink, mostly drink!  Such activities go on through the dawn, and often are repeated the next night.  The day after this few curtains are drawn back before noon. The New Year has been welcomed in, 'Auld Lang Syne' has been sung (badly), first footing has taken place, drink and food consumed, the Heart of Midlothian have defeated Hibernian again in the derby, and we face the new year hoping for good things, in reality knowing it will continue much the same as before. 

May your Hogmanay be a good one!



  1. And to you, auld fella. Thanks for your great postings in 2011 - I look forward to reading more in 2012.

  2. If you decide to start buying lottery tickets again, I'll make a real effort to be nicer towards you next year! (No guarantee of success, though.)

  3. That's a gorgeous picture.

    Happy new year's eve to you, wherever you begin the new year.

  4. Happy new Year ! Actually I have never tried that Scottish stuff, and they don't seem to sell it in Waitrose, either.

  5. Happy new year to you. They seem to be going by faster and faster.

    I like hominy too. Enjoy yours.

  6. Mike, It is you who has the great posts!

    Jerry, I will consider your wishes.

    Dina, Thanks he was a great artist.

    Jenny, Black Bun is a Scots delicacy, border control appear to stop it passing through!

    Max, These years get faster and I think I fell off!

  7. I'm not sure how the time zones work as far as the greetings are concerned so I decided to play safe and wait. A very happy New Year to you Adullamite!

  8. Happy New Year, Adullamite!

    I've been saving this quote for you:

    "A man can no more diminish God’s glory by refusing to worship Him, than can a lunatic put out the sun by scrawling the word “darkness” on the walls of his cell."

    I believe it too.
    all the best for you in 2012

  9. Anonymous9:56 am

    Happy New Year, Adullamite.

    Here's to Hearts and the Dons jousting it out for Euro Qualification - if things pick up from our end and HMFC somehow pick their way through Romanov's rocky road.

  10. A, Wise as always young lady! A good New Year to you also.

    RDG, What a wise woman you are also RDG! Thank you, may your year be a good one!

    Ken, AH Ken, always living the dream, or is it in a dream....?
    All the best!

  11. Anonymous5:51 am

    Happy new year. Keep up the good work and thanks for your comments at my place in 2011.


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