Sunday 20 November 2011

A Foggy Day

Just visible in this pic is the hazy mist that has hung about all day.  Behind me, but difficult to picture, the mist was thicker in the lower lying ground.  Until midday the mist was very thick and ideal for clever photographers to make the most of the opportunities.  One amateur was either in his kip or stuffing his face to much to make the effort to go out however and that football does not watch itself.  More of this tomorrow as autumn takes hold of us and winter begins to lower the temperature before it arrives.



  1. Anonymous9:14 pm

    The corny beginnings so popular in this period put one off but otherwise fine song. Michael Buble does this so much better I think.

  2. Anonymous9:17 pm

    That is not Buble on this collection... strange.

  3. Leaz, The beginning corn is my usual manner. You should be used to it by now, oh you mean on the song....

    Leaz, Has he burst perhaps?

  4. Hip! Hip!! Hurray!!! I finally get the attraction with futbol/soccer, and it has to do with fog! When you can't get a clear view of the field, you can imagine all sorts of exciting things going on!

  5. Fish, Have I ever told you that I am glad mum in law lives with you.....?

  6. Anonymous3:38 pm

    Fish, you were in the crosswords today.

    Ad, after reaserching the Rastas I now see the point you were making. Yes, I agree.

  7. Leaz, being right is a habit of mine......


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