Monday 3 October 2011

Last Sunshine?


I snapped this bright blue sky this afternoon as I suspect this may be the last hot day of the year.  They say the temperature will drop considerably over the next few days, that the remains of another US hurricane will be deposited over us, with the accompanying winds to boot!  It appears a proper autumn is upon us now.  I may not go out for the next six months!  

As some enjoyed the portrait of Reynolds I add another, Lady Colin Campbell painted by Giovanni Boldini in 1897.  I first saw this large impressive painting in the English National Portrait Gallery, which you ought to visit, and was very impressed by it. The impression I received is dimmed somewhat by the restrictions of a blog, but this is a marvellous portrait. 

Gertrude Elizabeth Blood, who married Lord Colin Campbell and joined a higher social society than that in which she was bred.  However he was a philanderer and appears to have passed on a nasty disease to her. The following divorce caused a sensation (yawn) and high society rejected her in spite of he being to blame.  Well they were all at it were they not?  They still are, no morals among the high society at any time.  She turned to literary work and mixed in artistic circles. She died in 1911 in her early fifties. 
Check the link for more.



  1. Oh dear don't say that's the last summer for the year! No, I'm anticipating a gloriously sunny October! :)

    Nice picture of Lady Campbell. I expect she did better out of her horrid marriage than if she had remained a penniless actress. Let's hope she didn't mind being rejected by high society. I'll follow the link now and find out more.

  2. I'd like to visit the National Portrait Gallery. Another lovely portrait, Adullamite.


  3. Anonymous2:27 pm

    Lady Campbell's mother was a stupid b**** and her father spineless.

  4. Jenny, Aye the weather has gone right down tonight.

    RDG, Soub will take you there!

    Leaz, I agree, but social climbing was the main game then.

  5. Anonymous9:31 pm

    I know that but still it's appalling to sacrifice one's own daughter for hobnobbing rights. Indefensible!


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