Wednesday 7 September 2011

Experimental Night Shot


I am amazed at how dark it is by 7:30 these days, it's almost like Autumn!  However as I was strolling around looking in folks win taking my constitutional I realised I may get a shot of some bright lights.  Naturally I could not remember, or take the time, to work out how to take night shots on this camera so I just plugged away and pressed the button anyway.  Not bad but too dark for a night shot (what?).  Now, where are those instructions....?



  1. I quite like the juxtaposition of bright lights to dark shadows and the vertical timbers of the building. Who needs instructions?? Life is about experience ...


  2. Is it safe to assume that taking a constitutional there is somewhat different than taking one here? I mean, I know that you fully enjoy taking dumps on the well-deserving (of course) from time to time, but I would think that you would do so more modestly. (I sure hope this doesn't put my place on the friends list in jeopardy.)

  3. Leaz, Yep I'd agree with red, not bad for fumbling....

    (for some reason this did publish)


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