Friday 15 July 2011

Cogitating Friday


Cogitating Friday is just another way of saying 'nothing happened.'  That ought to read, 'nothing happened again' actually.  I cycled slowly up the old railway in the early morning sunshine, I attempted to photograph beasties breakfasting on bright yellow wild flowers but the camera is not up to this, and I shopped at three supermarkets in a bid to save cash (but not while on the bike) and I failed to save cash!

Other than that the day has slipped by without me doing anything - again!  This whole week has been a waste. I don't know why I got up on Monday, and I had so many plans.

One plan included winning the Euro Lottery and the £16,653,000 pounds on offer. However a couple in Largs decided that not only would they win this money but they would then come on to the telly and wave the cheque in our faces. I am sorry to say that this is not a good idea in my opinion. Had I won you would not know, although my paying my debts and buying a new pair of socks might have given some folks an inkling about my wealth. Some say the Lottery people give good advice and few end up depressed or in trouble because of their big win. Occasionally you read of one who will have lost the wife, family squabbles, duped by conmen, or suicide because the money has wrecked relationships, but most appear to have survived OK.
The interest on this money is 0ver £9000 daily, not counting tax obviously, but if 'Vodafone' can avoid paying almost £6 Billion in tax and pay a mere £1.25 billion and with time to pay then this couple could work something with someone.  

The man next door has not emerged, or at least I have heard no sound from him. I have discovered he owes rent going back months. Isn't life sad when someone falls apart like this? Is he having a breakdown I wonder, what can be done?  Well nothing to be honest. He will either come to himself and seek help or end up forced to find help. "There but for the grace of God" and all that. 



  1. At first I thought you said coagitate. That would be more apt than deep thinking (or whatever you decide you want the word to mean. :) :)

    And, believe it or not, I thought you had used the same picture of the park as before. Not so! The trash bin (or whatever it is) is on the other side of the tree now. Can't put anything over on me, so don't try.

    They have lotteries in the U.S. too but the catch is they pay off in dollars instead of pounds. So, in effect, no winners.

    Sad about your neighbor. I hope it works out. Keep alert to any strange odors in the hallway over the next few days, though. Life is the pits sometimes.

  2. Anonymous10:14 am

    "...what can be done?"

    "Love thy neighbor" and all that.

  3. Anonymous10:15 am

    "...what can be done?"

    "Love your neighbor" and all that.

  4. Anonymous10:17 am

    Having seen the couple from Largs who won the Euro Millions, I have one question.
    Have they eaten the money?


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