Wednesday 11 May 2011


Trash! I'm sick of trash! Everywhere I look the world is full of it! I sit through thirty minutes of the pretence that is Prime Ministers Question TIme, watching the stooges play out their game with no thought for the public. What matters to them is point scoring and discussing with their aids how to improve the image, while doing little about the subjects involved. It's all a game for the cameras and worthless for the nation. Power is to be grabbed, as it always has been, but at the present time it is being fought over by people empty of a belief system other than 'ME!' I turn over to the other side and find an antiques programme, one of many that fill the screen daily. While 'Bargain Hunt' may well be one of the few worth watching it sits amongst the dumbed down morning telly that fills the screen. Turning to ITV I find worse! 'Loose Women!'  Good grief! This programme has for several years now featured ageing women all dressed up and with nowhere to go, and no wonder! Talk is all about themselves, men, themselves and, well, men!  The limited world knowledge is at variance with the number of years these crones have spent in it. Trash indeed yet it appears five days a week! Then we have the cooks. Every channel requires its cookery show, all with a 'celebrity' who nobody knows. Add the desperate need for 'competition' into every programme and we have the 9 year old level satisfied.Just why there is such a need to find out who will be first I do not know, but it is everywhere these days. Trash!  There is around forty channels available to some in this country and almost 95% of what is on offer is trash!  I can understand having such programmes as part of a daily offering but  they are the predominate type.

I turn to the 'Independent' newspaper for news. I find 'Fergie' the 'Duchess of York' living on her title on yet another American TV programme telling us how hard her life is. Apart from the fact she is a chancer on the make, apart from the fact that Oprah is worse, apart from the vast amount of cash she gets for appearing I have to ask why this occurrence is in the press? A so called 'serious' newspaper needs such stories? Surely this belongs in the 'Express' or the 'Mail?'  News is not selling, possibly because of radio and TV's 24 hour a day coverage, however it leaves much space for deep thought which is not found in TV and rarely in radio these days. Thought ought to be found in such papers yet the 'celebrity' is what is selling instead. Trash! The 'entertainment' business is full of trash. Whatever film, whatever special effects are used, in the end it is a man in a white hat beating a man in a black hat, with sex added. TV is full of soaps and dramas that are just soaps. The media is empty and bereft for the most part  and I am heartily sick of it all!

Getting old is no fun when you see what is good drowned out by trash!



  1. Trash? I thought you were railing against the broken beer bottles that pierce your tires. But no, it's Parliament and Fergie. Of course it's trash, all of it. I think your standards may be higher than your blood pressure, though. As for myself, I try not to watch the TV. I much prefer to study a clear picture of a swifts's arse than to have my mind polluted with even a fleeting mental image of Oprah. So don't do that anymore.

    What do people want? Do they want classy inspiration? Who are their role models? What will they pay for? Who is the richest woman in the world, even richer than the queen (I've heard)?


    But my days are numbered. Growing older by the minute. I leave the world in the hands of the kids and their text messaging and video games.

  2. @Max: It is against United Nations Proclamation #540029448.2 to say anything disparaging about the greatest example of political correctness this world has ever seen, Oprah. So, be expecting operatives knocking on your door anytime now.

  3. You will know that Oprah is not shown on the main channels here. I suspect she wanted to much money and we have our own freak shows.

    Did you get the show 'Grumpy Old Men?' In which men spoke openly in a manner neither grumpy or wrong! They just told it how it was. My niece sent me the book of the programme....

  4. FishHawk: @Max: It is against United Nations Proclamation #540029448.2 to say anything disparaging about the greatest example of political correctness this world has ever seen, Oprah. So, be expecting operatives knocking on your door anytime now.

    Adullamite: You will know that Oprah is not shown on the main channels here. I suspect she wanted to much money and we have our own freak shows.

    Did you get the show 'Grumpy Old Men?' In which men spoke openly in a manner neither grumpy or wrong! They just told it how it was. My niece sent me the book of the programme....


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