Thursday 31 March 2011



As I crossed the bleak expanse that is Sainsburys car park I discovered yet more music in my head. This was another extension to the sounds that fill the mind as I wake, and that it appears is a phenomenon that we all endure at some time. Maybe we only just notice it in early mornings? I realised that what our friend Dan on his excellent blog has discovered is now called 'Earworm,' is also reflected in the pace at which we live our lives. I realised that rushing through the streets, as I was at lunchtime today, the music that appears in my head is also of quick pace. Sadly today was once again some banal music that probably rose to fame during one of those Eurovision Song Contests, an event I always attempt to avoid. When I saunter along slowly the music corresponds to my snails pace also, although at that speed I can recognise this and attempt to do something about it. Quite who the DJ supplying the music is or where in my massive brain the size of a planet he resides I cannot say. I am reminded by some that Pluto is a planet, what can they mean? 
There is a space in our minds that constantly requires to be filled. If we are concentrating on a subject we do not notice this.  For instance as I write the BBC is playing behind me yet when concentrating on this I do not notice what is being said. However if there was complete silence each time I stopped typing I reckon something, probably a tune, would make itself known soon enough. Usually I have classical music in the background, and I only notice some of it, if voices are heard I miss what is being said until I stop concentrating, if what I do can be called 'concentrating.'  You will have noticed that painters and decorators, builders and other 'artisans' always have a radio to listen to. More than this you will note they always listen to the worst music station on the dial, and naturally the volume is turned up to the highest level, yet they will probably not notice what has just been played if asked!


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