Tuesday 8 February 2011

Now I'm Not One to Complain, But..


Recently I have settled down at 6:30 to watch Michael Portillo's travels around the UK rail network. A delightful little programme that took us away from the stress of life and showed us some interesting and attractive parts of the UK. Last Friday was the last in the present series of this programme. Yesterday I awaited with baited breath the replacement offering, anxious to know if it could match Portillo's offering. I was not pleased. Indeed pleased I was not! After such an enjoyable programme one wishes the quality to continue, and while I was aware that this series involved a chap driving around the nation in his ageing Voltswagon Camper van I was not too pleased to discover he was another cook! Yes another cookery show! Why? There are chefs and cooks on motor bikes, in kitchens, black ones, drunk ones, sexy ones and even fusty ones, now we have yet another one who's gimmick is an old van! Touring the land he looks for material which 'just happens' to be there and then cooks it, woopee! At times like this I understand why Americans carry guns! Soap operas, dramas that are soap operas, and cooks! That sums up the telly these days. Enough of this pap, give us back proper programmes! 

At least the sun shone today and I got the bike out and trundled around the back streets for half an hour. Later my exercise regime continued with a walk along the old railway and tomorrow, if the rain holds off I will cycle much more. How much better life feels when the sun shines and the sky is blue. Chilly it may have been but we are creatures of light and respond to the sun. If only I had an escape in the Mediterranean!



  1. A little over four months until the longest day. Then it will start to get dark again...

  2. Thanks for that....

  3. The BBC has been camping out down our way. Michael Portillo was first but he did a very quick pass through on his way to look at the Channel Tunnel. Then came one of those antiques programmes which visited what I can only call the junk shop round the corner. Next will be Ancient Britons, or something like that, who were filming on My Beach. I have offered them my photo of the spot where the Romans landed.

  4. I saw the Portillo programme, and I think the Antiques folk have also been shown. Ancient Britons first programme I glimpsed on IPlayer tonight and may well look at tomorrow. I hope your pic was used!

  5. Anonymous8:07 am

    I'm afraid I've almost given up on the telly. Even the most excellent Portillo series was viewed on iPlayer at chez Bigrab.

    These cookery progs/talent shows/reality thingies are like a fecking virus!

  6. I'm with you! I watch more on IP than on the old set.


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