Tuesday 16 March 2010


Today, after completing my exercises, walking through the bright almost Spring like sunshine, and avoiding the seriously important jobs that I had to do, I sat down to write something. Inside my head there appeared that gray mist that often accompanies this desire, and desire it was at first. I had the fingers twitching over the keyboard and yet the gray matter remained misted over. No thoughts crashed into my head like a battleship cutting through the fog. Just mist and nothingness. Cynics may add at this point a comment that they can jolly well keep to themselves, yes Fishy I was thinking of you!  So I thought about this carefully and tried to come up with something original, practical, humorous, newsworthy or spelt correctly without the aid of the spell checker! Nothing came!  

There is of course the Edinburgh Derby at the weekend. The Heart of Midlothian will be taking on the Hibernian, a small Leith outfit of little importance, in a game which gives bragging rights to the victors and despair to the Hibs. Since the first meeting in1875 the Men in Maroon have won a vastly superior number of games than the Hibbys. That is why the Hibs wear green, it reflects their jealousy of the Heart of Midlothian, the Big Team! However our friend Mike has written perceptively about this game and the effects it can have on the individual on his excellent blog On the Terracing.

I could write about walking about in the sunshine, listening to the birds preparing nests and singing in the trees as I passed. This would mean noticing the way these English folks respond to the sun. You see I could tell that there was a chill in this bright sunshine simply by opening the window, yet these folks here rush outside in the sun in T-shirts and even shorts! Now I can understand this when youth is involved, it is not done to wear heavy clobber when there is a chance to show your strong or for the lassies to show off their bits.(Not that I'd notice) However a fat lass revealing her tummy as well as the reason she was chucked on the streets is unnecessary in my view! Most managed to get through the day happy in the sun brightening life and relishing the idea that winter may almost be over. I think we all hope so. This of course does not matter to those residing in warm climes with pretty girls and smug grins. They know who they are also! Bah!

How about the list of 'To Do' that sits beside me? There is a page full of things listed and requiring attention. It never fails to amuse me just how many have not been scored through signifying completion.

Clean the Loo 
Fix bike gears (still not done)
Visit Favourite Blogs (Yup!)
Sleep (managed this one)
Exercise (Yup, that too!)
Found a job? (WAAAAAHHH!)
Despair (Yup, done that....)
Cook Mince

The excitement is never ending here.....


  1. Is that your desk? It must be, nobody else would have a Hearts clock on the wall. How tidy you are.

    Thanks for the oatcake recipe which I'm hoping you've tried and tested - I'll give it a go.

  2. The wee team - always in our shadow. And thanks for the plug!

  3. Graham, yes its hot and sunny here! Following up on what A wrote, if that is your desk, who does the body belong too?

    A tailors dummy, a neighbour who dropped in and died of boredom or a trophy from a previous "local" derby?

    Have a good day-Oh to be in England now that Spring is here!!!

  4. A. Tidy? I suppose the dust doesn't show. How did you recognise the Hearts clock? (£2 from a charity shop!)

    Mike S, The we team indeed!

    Mike, Lots of folk die of boredom coming here.....

  5. You know, it does help to put your head on in the mornings too. I know, I know, leaving it off saves brushing your teeth, but still...

  6. Since when did I need a head?


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