Friday 4 September 2009


Scotland play Macedonia at Hampden Park in a very important World Cup match tomorrow. George Burley the manager is 'under pressure' the press tell us repeatedly, and they would know! They have been against him from the beginning so he would be 'under pressure' wouldn't he? Having led the Heart of Midlothian into a position to challenge the finance led domination by the bigot twins in Glasgow he was always considered an 'enemy.' Not belonging to the 'Glasgow Mafia' leads the press, who do belong, to treat you with contempt, no matter the results from the team. In recent days we have been hearing of the importance of this game, the 'pressure,' and that this is 'win or lose,' as indeed it always happens to be! However the 'suits' that matter are shaking out their blazers and clearing the way for Burley's removal and ensuring they do not get any blame! George Peat, the president of the Scottish Football Association has put down his glass to let the world know that failure will remove Burley, and it's not his fault he was appointed. Declaring the managers position will be discussed after the Holland game he let everyone know that if we lose he will be sacked, 'The compensation package is already in place,' he said. What he meant was, 'It's no my fault!' he then returned to his table and the other suits. Gordon Smith was attending a referees meeting at the Lodge and was not available for comment.

Mike at Auld Reekie Rants has been ranting on about the latest attempt to deal with troublesome pupils, sorry, students, in Edinburgh schools. Apparently if the 'child' considers he (and it's always a 'he' apparently) will be troublesome in class he can use his 'Get out of class free' card, and excuse himself. This, considers a gathering of social workers, psychologists and head teachers, is an appropriate way to deal with such youths. Teachers are being instructed on handling difficult situations, and there is a possibility other 'Education Centres' (what happened to 'schools?') . Read Mikes item and then glance through this excellent site and consider your honest heartfelt response to the situation. 'Instruments of Punishment'

To finish try this BBC quiz.


  1. You mentioned football and Scotland in the same error?

  2. :)

    Hi there, terribly interesting post... ;)

    Actually, sort of, uh...

    Just wanted to say thanks for the comments on my blog (I guess... they are always so uplifting and all)

    Hope things go well with your team tomorrow!


  3. GOOD for Scotland 2-0 great.
    Lets hope they can do the same next game.


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