Saturday 27 June 2009

Saturday Musings

I must confess to some cynicism regarding the death of Wacko Jacko.

The hour by hour coverage made me turn off, and the weeping girlie's brought some cynicism to my mind. While they cry from pain I suspect there are many boys crying for relief there will be no sleepovers there!

Poor sad Jacko, poor childhood, too much money and no sensible folk to turn to. No father figure in his life, at it appears not one that was of much use. When folks refuse to have a father, or insist two male/females can act as parents hey ignore the way we are made! Mind you, having said that I am left wondering what colour he was when he died? Somehow I suspect the phrase 'brown bread = dead' was never used, or am I cruel?

No doubt he will be reverenced for ever by some but I truly do not understand the fuss. I am happy not to comprehend young folks music, or their liking for weirdos, but Jackos song and dance routine was in my view meaningless pap. The videos represented an emptiness that music in the 60's never possessed. Then there was a meaning to music, a desire to change the world for the better, in theory if not in fact. Since the mid 70's music has been mostly self serving, getting worse with each decade. The occasional flash of something outside this occurs, punk for instance but that too was a meaningless grab for money!

Maybe it's just me......

In the meantime, while avoiding tennis or Michael Jackson conspiracy theories, I have spent the day in fantasy land. No, not like that, but dreaming of a house I saw in Edinburgh, well Leith actually, shock horror! if only I had around £400,000 going spare I could have changed my life for a while. I checked my accounts, £2:20 in, my pocket, a cider jar half full of copper coins and a few small silver ones, a credit card bill that Alistair Darling would be jealous off, and an overdraft that makes me shudder, especially when two bills arrive this week! I can see me "dwelling in the realms of fantasy Jones" for a while yet.


  1. Now would be a good time for us (America) to invade North Korea. For who would notice (aside from the North Koreans, maybe) when EVERY news outlet, and many who are not, are focused on the details (both real and imagined) of his death?

  2. Agreed. Death is sad but the families of some children might just breath a sigh of relief at his passing.

  3. Ha, Michael Jackson, I've been creeped out by him ever since I was a bitty girl. I remember someone showing me a button of him in his red leather jacket up at our family reunion and I was not impressed. I was like hmmm, OK, whatever. Though I have to admit, some parts of his music and dancing are interesting. Though I am truely an old fashioned girl (love Buddy Holly, Bobby Darin, The Big Bopper, a ton of old fashioned music...)


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