Friday 11 July 2008

Christian Registrar Wins Equality

A registrar of many years standing was abused and mistreated by those around her because she refused to participate in 'Gay Marriage' ceremonies. "An employment tribunal found that the council showed no respect for Ms Ladele’s rights “by virtue of her orthodox Christian beliefs”.
She was 'treated like a pariah by those around her' and all because she refused to bow to the pressure from the 'Homosexual Mafia.'

This must be the first time in years that the 'gay lobby' has been unable to force its prejudice onto an employment tribunal. A victory for common sense and justice but one which has brought the homosexual groups, and there are lots of them it seems, out complaining about 'discrimination!' It appears they can discriminate against others but that's OK. You will remember that a while back a vicar in Wiltshire (?) pointed out that homosexuals could be healed and the chief constable no less wanted to charge him with 'homophobia!' What a strange world we now live in.

In the late sixties homosexual behaviour was no longer criminalised. What folks got up to in their own home was their affair. Today it has been turned on its head. Now we are forced to accept homosexual behaviour as 'normal' and to disagree makes an individual a criminal! Yet the public as a whole do not see the absurdity in this. Folks private life ought to be their own affair, but so are their religious beliefs. If one is allowed why not the other? The reason for objection is the Christian (and other religions) indicating that lesbian and gay acts are unnatural and abnormal. The response is one of hate from gay rights organisations. No democratic right to a differing opinion, just loud condemnation of those who dare to disagree. It is noticeable that this story appears in the 'Times,' but does not appear to have reached the BBC as yet, I wonder why?

Are homosexuals born this way or does life change them as time passes? Yes and no is the answer. I am convinced that many are indeed born with this unfortunate slant, but most are drawn into it by something in their upbringing. Abuse, strident mother, incidents when young, who can tell how folk react to difficult situations as a child. Nonetheless the Christian view is that this is wrong as it destroys the individual and Jesus wants this changed. he came to bring life and why should someone lose out because of their individual perversion, and lets face it, we all have or are tempted to one or two are we not? There is no difference between the adulterer or the homosexual, the thief or the liar, all are sinners just like you and me. Jesus, whether you like it or not wants to bring us life, and will insist we walk his way to get it! He condemns none, neither should we, but neither should we accept that which destroys as normal!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Always a great writer, thanks for the comment on my blog concerning this same issue

    Godbless you sir


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