Saturday 29 March 2008

Perseverance Award

Sicarii, that wise and thoughtful writer, has been kind enough to present me with this 'Perseverance Award!' This surprised me as I thought 'Perseverance' was an English knight from medieval times who was knocked off at Bannockburn. But it appears I was wrong! Once I had looked up a dictionary, and accompanying thesaurus, I realised it meant viz :-


1. persistent determination [syn: doggedness]
2. the act of persisting or persevering; continuing or repeating behavior;
"his perseveration continued to the point where it was no longer appropriate"

I think the last line sums things up perfectly! I am sure you will agree!

I will save this award, and at the appropriate time, following the description given by 'WordNet,' pass it on to the appropriate person. You know who you are!


  1. Congratulations, Adullamite! =)


  2. Well deserved and well done!

  3. Congrats on the award! :)

  4. Anonymous2:09 am

    Very much well-deserved, mate. Not to mention that I always enjoy your blog!

  5. Congrats and don't even think about it!

  6. Me too your writing style thrills me am always chuckling when I read your postings. well am happy you got the Award...
    haven't gotten around to do the tag will do it soon. I hope you are not angry at me, it's been very hectic on the work front for months now.
    enough said do have a great day in Jesus Mighty NAme Amen



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