Monday 1 January 2007

New Years Day

New year means little to me now. Brought up in Edinburgh meant at one time it was an excuse for a drunken night out. Not that drunken meant what it does now. This was a time for greeting strangers, knocking on doors and having a good time amongst friends, many of whom you did not know and never saw again! Today it has lost its appeal for many. The attitudes are somewhat rougher and the cheeriness of the past has been replaced by a rip off mentality in a commercial celebration. On the other hand, in the thirty years since the openness of an Edinburgh Hogmany's decline, the English have discovered New Year as another time for a piss up. As if they needed an excuse! The development of a strong economy has meant an overpaid, overweight wealthy nation sees it as a right to indulge as and when they like, with no regard for anyone else. As a nation becomes wealthier the more individual and self obsessed it becomes.

The change of a calendar date means nothing in reality, it is simply an administrative system to help us know where we are in time. The significance really comes from the northern hemisphere looking towards the spring as the days get longer and the dark winter begins to pass. Maybe we should scrap Christmas and New Year and just have a celebration on the shortest day of the year. It would be more honest!

Another year but little has changed so far. The virus still makes me cough, and leaves me near deaf in one ear. The cave lies untidy all around, the TV is stuffed full of mediocrity and downright pap! A new day but not much changes in this badly run, celebrity chasing, empty, lost society of ours.

A good new year to you all, well, both of you, maybe......

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