Sunday 25 September 2005


Share your thoughts with the world the blurb says. But the world may not be looking eh?
My thoughts at the moment at diverted by silly small things that give, great, deep, joy.
The sun is shining!
Now to those who are ignoring this blog from sun filled nations this may not seem a point worth making, but to one brought up under the gray skies of Edinburgh I can tell you joy is very real when the sun comes out! I am in fact four hundred miles from Edinburgh these days, but the weather is not usually four hundred miles better. A few degrees warmer, and less wet, but not the southern reaches of the Mediterranean I can tell you.
So I can look out towards the park and see the tree dappled with yellow sunlight. The various greens beginning to turn slightly brown as Autumn takes a hold. Blue sky with distant white clouds complete the vision. How can those who dwell in sunny climes ever turn out depressed? How come those who live around the Mediterranean have such surly dispositions? Smiling and laughing seems a far distant trick to those I have met from that part of the world. Africans can smile, even Arabs give it a go, Asians are almost always smiling! We are a people that are difficult to please are we not?

Well I can tell you the sun makes me happy! Wandering around in the warm air, enjoying what I can before the chill becomes lasting, I see the sun making even those places that are run down and dilapidated look good. The people do not respond as I do though. If they do they are keeping it a secret. The miserable looks I see all around me bring despair to my little mind. Why is it that the more we have the less we enjoy life? The nation is fat! Rich yet unhappy.

Only Jesus can make them satisfied. But as always they ignore him and are looking for things to bring joy, things that do not last. Relationships last, and what better relationship than with a god who satisfies?

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