Wednesday 8 May 2024

O Happy Day?

It has become a wee bit tiring this awaiting an inevitable election wipe-out of the Tory party.  Today, just before PMQs, another Try defected to Labour to save her skin or possibly land in the Lords.  To accept someone so unsuitable for Labour office reveals the depth to which Keir has sunk.  This woman, who has stood out loudly objecting to immigrants arriving in Dover, her constituency, and attempted to interfere with the courts while her husband was on trial as a sex-pest, grumbling that the women just could not resist a man so attractive to them, now pretends she is for Labour.  I wonder how the constituency will react? 
I long ago ceased to watch PMQs, Boris's lying ended that for me, and Sunak sinking weekly is not an attractive viewing.  It would be worth having a Labour government majority in England just to end all this nonsense.

I realised just how tired I was today when trying to 'cut & paste' something from one place to another.  Back and forward we went, it worked, did not work, missed a bit, and all the usual flops!  Eventually, after a great many rude words it was finished, and now I see the mistakes.  Too much running around this weekend, not enough sitting around eating, and my tiredness may well have been noticed by those at the edges of town!
Still, I have found a tool to make working with Microsoft easier...

Monday 6 May 2024

Spring Rain Holiday

I'm beginning to think May is the wrong month in which to have May Bank Holiday. Mist and cloud greeted us this morning, rain followed, umbrellas are seen, damp streets and damper people pass by.
Have a nice day!

The council have taken to planting trees for one reason or another in the park, in 70 or 80 years these will be well worth looking at, today they are somewhat young.  These few were planted a couple of years ago and now are sprouting these wee purple flowers.  Not easy to see properly as the cloudy day hinders photography, but they look delightful.  No ide what they are but when the trees develop and increase I think they will look very good across the park.  The later trees remind me of those we see across France in Great War photos lining the roads.  They will be good in another 50 years.

Being a slow news day, as always, I spent some time watching lucky people travel about on steam trains!  Why they can make it while I only watch, full of jealousy, from afar I know not.  The steam gala included many large and small engines, some from afar, running back and forward, sometimes via the guards van, and all camera clicking men, and they were mostly men, were clearly enjoying themselves.  I could see that by the way none of them smiled and all appeared to ignore one another.  Tonight some volunteers will be working late emptying out all the ashes and preparing one or two engines for their return to home stations.  Lucky they!

Sunday 5 May 2024

Long Weekend

It is the time of the year when the yellow flowers begin to announce themselves.  This brings joy to the bees and other beasties that will flock to them once they emerge from their cocoons.  These ones were improving a small grass area at the side of the pavement by reflecting the amazingly strong sun this morning.  As the white blossums begin to fade the yellow flowers appear alongside many other colourful wee buds.  This makes everyone much happier and the scowls around us hide an enjoyment we all share.
Naturally, this being the May Bank Holiday, the weather has already turned and cloud is covering us now.  Monday will feature rain and sunshine with occasional lighting bolts.  Just what you want on a Holiday Monday. 

In spite of the sun I managed to make communion this morning.  How nice to meet friends, share grumbles, be ridiculed and get a lift home.  I was somewhat tired, this became obvious as I found myself heading for slumber when the vicar was preaching.  I think we need to offer coffee before the service, not afterwards.  

For reasons unknown the press has ignored the results of the local elections for the most part.  No paper led with it, the tabloids ignored it, and the Tory owners remained in a huff in their non-dom status overseas.  I suspect communication between them and Keir will be on the rise, that the media will become stuffed full of lies, as already happens in Scotland, and Rishi may well be forced by the nazi part of his party to rush into an election.  Maybe this will do us all a favour and rid us of the Suella's of this world?

Friday 3 May 2024


The 'Pint sized Loser' has been losing again today.  The count at the moment read Conservative losses 173, and that with 58 of 107 council results in.  More to come, including the Saturday count for the London Mayor.  On overall Council control the Tories have lost 5, Labour gained 6 so far.
Naturally the Tories are speaking up about the results, especially as the Houchen man won in a reduced vote up north.  Those experts we hear are of course saying this is the worst local council results since Adam was a boy, but they could be wrong of course.  
Labour, Lib-Dems, Greens and even Reform have gained votes.  Galloways 'Workers Party of Britain' won two council seats in Rochdale, where he is MP!  The first, and probably the last!   A nasty and not unexpected night for the Tories.  
However, will anything change?  Possibly in those areas where 'Independents' have joined together to get elected, this of course not on national policy but local ones.  Clearly Labour have won where they ought to win but have also won in places unexpected.  The contempt for the Tories appears to be great.  That said, many areas saw the Tory hold the seat, and ion some places they won!  I find myself asking 'Who can vote for this Conservative Party?'   I mean have they no knowledge of what has been done in the past 14 years?  Where the Tories have lost numbers the voter either remained at home or voted Reform, the new UKIP.  However, if the Tory vote was down say 25% only around 10% went to Reform, the rest did not go for the far-right.  Turning the Reform vote into General Election seats will be difficult and I think unlikely to happen.  It will reduce the Tory vote however. 
Tories no -212, Labour +138 Lib-Dems +36 Green +28 Other +17.  
69 from 107 declared.

Wednesday 1 May 2024

May Day 2024

Being the first of May I gathered wild flowers and green branches, picked up a garland or two and danced around the Maypole with similarly dressed strangers.  The great fire we lit kind of annoyed the neighbours however, not only was it just dawn it was dawning on them their house was on fire also.  Never mind.  Just like Rome in past times we celebrated the first fruits of Spring, bought from Tesco's clearance shelves, and danced the dawn away.
Such activity has little religious meaning, though it was added here and there, it is just that a proper Spring ought to be upon us, and Summer is around the corner.  Good times lie ahead and people naturally rejoice.  Usually they rejoiced so much the authorities had to clamp down upon the rejoicers!

During 1889 the 'Marxist International Socialist Congress,' mostly male middle class types, called for, among other things, the 1st of May to be a day of demonstration calling for an '8 hour day.'  Thus it has continued one way or another as a day to fly red flags and march with clenched fist against the oppression of the ruling classes.  
I added a red flag to my flowers, green boughs and garlands as I, with many thousands of others, marched through the town centre in the mist this morning.  We will stand up for workers rights, for individuals rights, and for a lawyer to clear up the mess left behind as we sit here in the local police station where the local Stasi have imprisoned us for 'Breach of the Peace.'  
Go celebrate...

A brief scan of the Online Mail this morning reveals just how much money is being lost there.  The page is filled with celeb stories and patched up with tales of US reports.  Actual 'news,' always slanted to suit the DM, is almost impossible to find.  The 'Daily Mirror' is of course no better, we know the writer has had his space reduced and is under orders to use 'clickbait' at all times.  
I feel no sadness at the death of these rags.  If they offered news, news with a sensible opinion it would be worth reading, however, in the desire to survive there is no chance of that, clickbait is all.  The papers that offer more reading either use paywalls and/or have dubious owners rendering their writers opinions somewhat slanted to suit the boss.  In the end I search Twitter to find the news, often from far-right or far-left organisations.  This is not always readable stuff!  
People require an easy to read fact filled open-minded free press, the UK does not have one.


Talking about oppressive governments I came across this the other day, a psalm/song that ought to be used at all the gatherings of the great and the good.  They consider themselves to be 'gods' even if they do not use that term, this psalm indicates their duty and their responsibility, and God will call them all to account, just as he will us.  

     A psalm of Asaph. 

1  God presides in the great assembly;
    he renders judgment among the ‘gods’:
2  ‘How long will you defend the unjust
    and show partiality to the wicked?
3  Defend the weak and the fatherless;
    uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.
4  Rescue the weak and the needy;
    deliver them from the hand of the wicked.
5  ‘The “gods” know nothing, they understand nothing.
    They walk about in darkness;
    all the foundations of the earth are shaken.
6  ‘I said, “You are ‘gods’;
    you are all sons of the Most High.”
7  But you will die like mere mortals;
    you will fall like every other ruler.’
8  Rise up, O God, judge the earth,
    for all the nations are your inheritance.

Monday 29 April 2024

Travel and Humza

It's the bright lights, the excitement, the meeting people that make travel so wonderful.  While there is hassle getting there and back this is usually worth it at the end.  What can be more exciting than stepping outside and heading off into the unknown?  At least that is what crossed my mind early this morning as I left the abode and headed of to Tesco!
My best niece and my best great niece are sitting half asleep in a New York hotel bedroom at this time while I gather overpriced milk and bread from the shop.  The excitement of travel!  
If I become adventurous I may make the Post Office tomorrow.

Humza has gone.   Brought down by unelected MSPs under Westminster instructions.  The interference from our colonial overlords is no surprise, and this interference runs much deeper than many comprehend, but the success cannot be allowed to stop the drive for independence.  
The racism and Islamic hatred spewing out from a divided England towards Humza can be seen everywhere.  English nationalism, not just the Tommy Robinson kind, hates Scotland for having the temerity to refuse to bend the knee to them.  All media, including the likes of the so called 'open-minded and thoughtful' types at the 'Guardian' and 'Private Eye,' cannot withhold their glee whenever an indy lover is brought down by Special Branch.  'Private Eye' itself has never investigated the murder of the SNP lawyer Mackay all those years ago on his way to the 'But 'n' Ben.  That would not help their cause.  
The 'Daily Mail' rejoices with several ignorant and slanted articles.  The desperation of the English to keep Scotland under their control is getting deeper, they know their time is up.
A new SNP leader will arise, two names are being banded about if they wish to try, one who will be flimsy, and a woman who may be strong but a devolutionist, not a nationalist.  She also has a Tory husband which does not help.  We shall soon see who has the strength, the policies, and the party support.  Hopefully one who rejects the absurd elements of the Green Party views.

Friday 26 April 2024

'Lost Edinburgh' by Hamish Coghill

Another excellent 2nd hand book, dated 2008, reprinted several times, lastly 2016.  Is there any other way to find such books?  Bookshops close, prices rise, and Amazon and World of Books (via Amazon) are the best at the moment.
In my mind Edinburgh has always been an ancient city going back a thousand years or so.  The buildings on the High Street were to me very old and well able to speak of Kings and Queens, rich and poor, famous men abounding and history likewise.  
I was wrong!
While many buildings do indeed go back into the distant past so many were rebuilt during the 17th and 18th centuries, often because of fire and slum clearance, that so many aged buildings are in fact mere Victorian rebuilds.  The older ones, often of wood, long gone. 
From the days of 8500 BC when man created settlements, possibly temporary, down at Cramond, the area has always been inhabited.  The hills, some formed from hopefully still dead volcanoes, provided excellent sites for fortifications when families became tribes and the resources were sought by others. 
The most famous and longest lasting being Edinburgh Castle, a very strong fortification but unlikely to hinder anyone today, not with all these tourists in the way.
Hamish Coghill, a very Scottish name, begins his work in the distant past and takes us through the many famous buildings, now often discovered in ancient literature, informs us of their loss and what may have replaced them.   
The city was of course altered occasionally by English thugs, sometimes burning it to the ground because that is what the followers of St George do, and continue to do these days as we saw recently.  However, most alterations came through the need for improvements, slum clearance, fire, and occasionally a building collapsing because it was not cared for.  

Paisley Close marks the spot when in September 1861 a seven story tenement, dating back around 300 years, suddenly collapsed.  On the ground floor as in normal practice there were several shops including a bakers and a grocers.  The grocer, one Mr Cairns had become concerned about the cracks appearing in his shop and the paint beginning to loosen.  A builder was called who claimed it was not too serious and promised to return on the Monday with his men to deal with this.  There was also a rumour, but no evidence, that the baker had removed a supporting wall to enlarge his business, and some complained about creaking and rumbles in the wall.  However, the owner does not appear to have been informed or concerned and late at night the building and the 77 people within collapsed.  
Through the night rescuers fought to save those inside the ruins.  Among them a voice crying "Heave awa men, I'm no deid yet."  It is possible, but not proven, that this was Joseph McIvor, a 12 year old who had fallen down four storeys and had the rest of the house land on him.  It took some time to retrieve him as he was trapped by a large beam, but it appears his demeanour never let him down.  

Advocates Close, before clearances

Joseph was of course lucky, 35 others did not survive.  This however, caused consternation and gave great support to those who were already agitating for reforms in housing and health.  The aged city centre was by the 18th century mostly housing the lower orders, those who could moved into the more airier parts of town.  This left the poor in slumland and Dr Henry Littlejohn was appointed as the cities first Medical Officer of Health, a role arriving slowly throughout the land, in 1862 and three years later issued a report on the conditions in the town centre.  This led to many buildings being removed, wooden or stone built so many were unhealthy and dangerous, thus giving Edinburgh a cleaner healthier city.  
This was helped by fire, a constant threat in a closely bound city, and on occasions sever buildings were destroyed in this way and the inhabitants, both private and commercial are out on the street.  One such in 1824 took several days to die out, leaving huge areas of the Lawnmarket  destroyed.  The rebuilding was quick, the losses massive.
The 1865 report led to changes and was mostly responsible for the centre having this appearance, however, the creation of the North and then South Bridge again caused demolition of famous buildings.  The city then prospered enough to move out wider and wider, offering healthier living and less fire danger.
This has not stopped.  Edinburgh is much greater since I lived there.  Old buildings have been removed, many benefiting the city, some not so much.  Large housing estates arrived before and after the war, some of these have been amended since to provide better living areas and hinder the ever rising drug crime.  
The book Hamish has given us is very readable, it took me a short time to finish this.  The book is full of information, many illustrations reveal what was lost and what preserved, and Edinburgh remains one of the greatest tourists attractions in the world.
Read this book!

Thursday 25 April 2024

Hot Stuff


I made a stew.  I added 'some' Madras Curry Powder, 'some' Chilli Powder, and 'some' Turmeric powder, and a bit of coriander.   Now, even with lots of yoghurt upon it I canny eat it, it's so hot!   I'm on fire here!

Wednesday 24 April 2024

Art, one Great Con.

One of the great frauds in this world is art.  Loved by those who believe they belong to the 'educated intelligensia,' but too often appear only to appreciate what they are supposed to apppreciate, and denigrade that which is not popular with the chattering classes.  In the end money is what matters.  If a creation, for want of a better word, is considered by someone to be worth a few million then it will be considered 'Great Art,' even though a six year old could do better.  I could go over all the artworks displayed unknowlingly upside down, or the cleaner who swept away rubbish from the gallery floor only to discover this was a man's 'expression' re society!  But I will avoid all those.  
It's just that I discovered the 'Turner Prize' is upon us once again.  
The annual opportunity for some clever 'artist' to offer an 'artwork' that makes no sense, describes nothing, yet will be lauded all round and leave him with enhanced reputation and £25,000.  Yet another example of modern art reflecting a dead culture.'

Boarlane. Grimshaw

Tuesday 23 April 2024

St George's fans in all their Glory

The 'Online Mail,' or someone unknown, are at it again.
The 'Mail' has amended the comments section.  A new system, just as inept as previously, has been introduced.  The same people, bots, activists and people like myself who like to wind up the far-right 'wild eyed loons,' still feature.  However, these days I notice an enormous number of names beginning with a colour.  For instance 'BlueMoon,' 'Purplethis' or 'Purplethat,' 'Orangethis' or 'Orangethat,' and many of these support my comments.  This is unusual on the 'Daily Mail.'  I am wondering what lies behind this?  Bots from those opposed to the paper, St Petersburg perhaps, North Korea, or maybe one of the Arab states known to have interfered with various MPs emails by sending them 'Dickpics?'  
Who would wish to increase the 'clickbait' on this grubby paper, why do so, what is in it for them?  
Do these names appear elsewhere I wonder?

SKY News

St George's Day today, a day once forgotten but now taken up by the far-right 'yob' element of England's lower orders.  Encouraging division re Scotland's independence debate has led to a backbench cry of 'English Parliament' like the Scots one.  Of course they already have one, it is at Westminster, and they sit there daily voting the way they are commanded.  
A parade past Downing Street up Whitehall was allowed by the Met Police.  Naturally some of Tommy's Boys have made an attempt to break into or out of the parade, I am still unsure what they were attempting, so once more the 'Boys in Blue' are dealing with loyal English men behaving like thugs.
This does not surprise me.
What did surprise me, and also he himself, was Tommy Robinson the Luton Boy, born of Irish parents and called Yaxley-Lennon in truth, was cleared of his last riot because the judge found the police officer responsible for the paperwork had entered the wrong date.  Something about the laptop battery fading, once repowered he entered the incorrect date.  Case thrown out!  What a chance missed.  However, the Met will not forget, I get the impression Tommy is not one of their favourites, and one day they will do him properly, and this to the advantage of us all.

Monday 22 April 2024

Monday Maudling

For some reason this 'Earth Day' I am very tired.  The walking back and forth, even in the bright sun this morning to the store, revealed my tiredness.  Spring being Spring we saw a bright blue sky featuring an aircraft bound for Warsaw, Athens or Cyprus passing under the long white streaks from previous craft, this lifted the heart.  Bright sun, blue sky and fearful chill can be good for the soul early on.  Paying the young lass at the checkout is less enjoyable!  
Sadly this lack of interest in life meant I cared little for PM Sunak's speech re Rwanda.  We know what he is saying and we know it is all a lie, so why bother?  Instead I put my tuppence worth in the 'Daily Mail' comments re the Jewish activist attempting to blame the Met police for stopping him causing trouble at a Palestinian protest.  His edited highlights encouraged the 'Mail' and other right-wing press.  This was soon amended when the whole 15 minute picture was revealed and he was seen as an agitator.  Well done the officer involved.
The Gaza situation is difficult, this is not helped by media talking sides, antagonists from either side lying to the public, and politicians taking backhanders from one or the other.  More children died and some adults are enjoying this.
I have no answer.

I filled my day by staring at the screen, discovering that now I have only the mobile phone that this has run out of data until the new lot on the 29th.  I have no idea what this means, but every MB will cost be 10p a go until then.  I have switched it off.  I have however, increased the data a we bit before it clicks in so this does not happen again, until next time...  
I clambered up and down stairs to check the electric meter, misread my own scribble, and may now be charged a lot more from the EON gangsters this month.  To tired to write correctly.
Tomorrow however, all will be well.  Sleep and dinner will see me through and I do not have to visit the Kirk for a long Sunday service as I did yesterday.  A service, a Nigerian childs thanksgiving, and communion, all this followed by the AGM.  All this thinking wore me out I reckon.  In the end my contribution there was to hold my hand up and 'second' a motion.  I forget which!  At least history will record my name on a piece of paper at next years AGM.       
Lots of Nigerians there yesterday.  Who knows where they live, some have begun attending here.  The UK church is growing because of African Christians arriving and filling near empty churches.  This will be interesting.

Sunday 21 April 2024

Thursday 18 April 2024

Fibre Upgrade Fun

Between 8 am and 1 pm the disembodied voice on the phone stuttered yesterday.  We will be attending at this time.  Twice she called to confirm this.
So, at 6:30 I was up, washed, stale bread fed, and waiting.  
When they say 'Between 8 and 1' they mean 'On the dot of 8 am while you are not dressed yet.'
But I was ready!
Here I am, almost 11:30 and still no sign of them!
The place is clean, the space reserved for work, all is ready and nothing is happening.  I now go through all the 'They have forgotten me' worries,' while somewhere up a telegraph pole a man will soon finish his job and come to me... I think...

Of course I was never worried.  I knew he would come well within the time.
This Asian telecom man had the difficulty of understanding my accent, while i struggled at first with his.
He then had to work out how to do the job without upsetting the landlord or the Grade II people at the council.  This he did well.

This poor man did not just have to climb up the telegraph pole, clamber about on the ladder at the roof and my window, but also had to work under my dead among the dead spiders webs to install a wee box to make things work.  It took him just over an hour to do all this, and very efficiently he was too.  A good man indeed.  Now he is again up the ladder clambering about for the flat round the back where they use the same ISP and are claiming the same 'special price.'
My internet speeds had fallen to 17, instead of 55.  This I blame on the phone line which crackles, supposedly fixed a while ago it was the cause of many a rant!  Today, once I inserted that long password, my speeds reached 150!!!   Good grief I canny write fast enough to keep up with it!  
Now almost all has been returned to normal, the rest of the dead spiders webs I have found underneath can wait for now, I can return to some sort of normality.

I also noticed the Bluebells are looking good in the front.  Good also that they appear to be spreading, maybe many more in years to come.

Monday 15 April 2024

Spring Leaking

Spring remains in the air.  Indeed the air was full of Spring much of the day.  The west wind, curling round from the north blew heavily across the park encouraging a drookitness unpopular with the dogwalkers and passers-by.   I was OK though.  
Usually we say 'The farmers will like it,' but as we know farmers are never happy whatever the weather, and many have seen far too much rain this year already and the crops are not happy about it.  Mr Tesco and Mr Sainsbury are already increasing their prices even though they are as yet unsure of the particular crops involved.  
Cocoa in warmer areas has increased three fold in price, Olive Oil also, both caused by the weather and corporate greed.  Other fruits imported from the EU are suffering also.  That did not stop me buying some tasteless Spanish strawberries, know doubt covered in various chemicals to aid growth, for tea.  My health being what it is these preservatives may aid me rather than hinder.  

Sunday 14 April 2024

Spring to Kirk


A delightful blue sky greeted me as I tumbled out this morning.  I was able to dump the big coat and wrap up in a jacket for a change, though I felt the chill at first.  
How delightful is Spring?  My favourite season. 

The blossum has appeared, this always makes the world a better place.  The trees abound with these bright white petals, red ones just a few trees down also, and a cheerier disposition is given to the dog walkers who would rather remain indoors asleep.

'S. C.'  Samuel Courtauld.
On the way down I pass several houses built in the 'Arts & Crafts style of the late Victorian age.  These were created by the Courtauld's for some of their work force.  The mills produced masses of Black Crepe which became popular with Queen Victoria when Albert died, so the fashionable types jumped on the bandwagon and gave Courtauld a massive profit.  Such black crepe controlled the Funeral fashion market for years, and dying was popular at that time.  
This was a company that spread their wealth among the town, building schools, houses, churches and providing doctors and eventually a hospital.  I suspect this house, built at the crossroads was given to a very senior man indeed.  Either that or one of the lesser Courtauld's themselves.

I was tired, the brain asleep, and I had the job of offering the intercessions this morning at Kirk, a short prayer time for whatever came to mind.  As I approached late in the service to the podium I was wishing I had stayed at home!  
However, by including prayer for all those involved in various jobs conected to the running of the church I found friends.  One good way to create friends is to mention them publicly and ensure all must realise that such people are important!  
They are not ignored.  
Everyone else ignored me.  
Next time I will mention the rest...

Thursday 11 April 2024

The King Above the Law


I have for a while wondered about the monarchy.  
We were all brought up to understand the monarch represented the nation, we stood to attention in the classroom in the morning, saluted the flag if I remember right.  At Cub Scouts we did the same, flag flown, 'dib dib dib' to you mate! The map showed all the bits 'we' owned, it was ours, and we were proud.
By the time we reached secondary school we cared a lot less for monarchs.  By 16 I was with the SNP pushing leaflets through doors, the monarch may have been a 'nice old lady' but was afar off.  
Today all has changed.
Since Charles was forced to marry a dim lassie to create an heir, and her friend Fergie hanging on to Andrew, both without respect for responsibilities or duty, the monarchy has seen much loss. 
Now I can understand the stifling rigidity of the lifestyle can be a killer if you are not bro.  Especially if you are harassed by the cretins of the press constantly, but it is clear the sense of duty, real or proclaimed, that arose before and during the war has been lost with the next generation. 
The old queen is dead, Harry has gone off, Willy has his mum's brain, and both have wives who run the show.  The list of other royal benefit scroungers is a long one.
In Scotland of course an increasing, but not always thinking, majority wish for a republic.  In England many still see the monarch as representing the dead empire and their only reason for pride, so they keep a hold on a flag waving mentality.  An even less 'thinking' response than in Scotland.  

Today I read of the monarchs intrusion into law making, and intrusion extended even into the Scots and Welsh parliaments.
There is a convention that allows the monarch to be informed of any law that affects them.  They can then refuse to sign any law they disagree with.  Now this does not concern things of great merit, this concerns laws which affect their estates.  For instance, a wildlife crime on a Balmoral estate cannot be investigated by the police without royal permission!  Laws concerning animal and workers rights have been amended to suit the monarch.  The beloved queen in her 70 year reign consulted 1000 bills before signing them, we do not know if any were amended to suit her.  Her sweet nature appearance hid a determined woman who sought to get her own way at all times.  Charles himself has already noted around 20 Laws that affect him and his estates.  What changes were made, how is the monarch protected from legal action, how come the King is above the Law?

In the USA a madman pretending to be president has led a coup against the state. The response, eventually, means he has been charged with many offences and the courts are taking action.  In the UK, a monarch breaking the Law can avoid police action, because he says so!  Clearly this is unacceptable, though it has been a continuous aspect of Law since way back when.  It is time for a change.
I disagree that anyone should be above the Law, King or commoner.  A king who demands more money during a cost of living crisis time is not being responsible for his people, his sense of duty has wavered.  With two dim sons (why has Harry got red hair?) an eejit brother, and many hangers on to care for I say it is time to dump the monarch, certainly in Scotland, and make them pay accordingly for the vast estates in the country they control.  
Referendum anyone?

Tuesday 9 April 2024

I Hate Technology!

I hate tech!
I may not have mentioned this before, but I hate technology!  Especially today's modern technology.  You know, the stuff that makes life easier, quicker, and smarter, and doesn't!
The colour toner runs out, I insert a new troublingly expensive colour toner, reset everything, insert proper cables, click on the letter with colour pics I was scribbling for the niece, and start to print!
Nothing happened.
I reinsert the colour toner, it goes through the rigmarole again, and settles down.
Click to print.
Nothing happened.  
More fiddling, more clicking, more nothing happening.
I walk off through to the west wing.
I fume, I cogitate, I mutter to myself.
Then I hear the printer printing!
Several items are printed, one after the other.
Hold on.  They only print, faintly in Black and White, where is the colour?
Now I also realise the Black is almost out.
A search has to be made 0 for B&W toner, and see what happens.

Ha!  Found one in the never used drawer.
Quick fight with the wrapper, clearly this one fell out of a 2-pack earlier, and ready to insert.
Hold on!
This is a colour one!
So, it is reach for the 2-pack at the back of said drawer, open the plastic wrapping, using a rusty 'Stanley knife,' fight with the carboard box that does not wish to open, then struggle to open the wrapper around the B&W toner, well Black actually, and then prepare to insert.
Finally, after strong coffee, new rude words, and a minor migraine all is set.
Printer runs through proper sequence and all is ready.
Test print, set it up, click print and wait.
And wait, and wait, and hit 'resume' hopefully, and wait.
Switch printer off, resume rude words.
Switch back on, wait, press resume, and it works!
Fabulous, it prints in faint Black only!
Now, urgently, and not too gently, remove colour toner recently inserted, insert, once it is out the wrappings, new colour toner, also dated May 2021, slam shut door, allow sequence to run, click print on test print, and , glory be, a colour printed sheet comes out!
Over an hour has been spent on this!  Is this old, new toner bust?  I know not, I dump it angrily, switch it all off and will search for reasons of failure later.  
Is it too early for a dram...?

Like me, you may not have bothered re the solar eclipse passing over us yesterday, but many people did.  Lots of space taken up with comment on this, possibly the media trying to avoid mentioning other proper news, yet lots of folks did want to see this rare event.
It did not pass over our territory, though I do remember a proper eclipse some 20 or so years ago being not as exciting as folks made out.  This time of course no-one here bothered.  
Such events are worth noting, especially if young, and the more the merrier I say, but there again, once you have seen one it is time to seek other pleasures. 

Monday 8 April 2024

Transistor Radio

Noting a transistor radio on here I was immediately transported back in time to listening to Radio Luxemburg on a Sunday night while bathing before the week ahead.  Listening also to one of these, usually someone else's, at the football trying to discover the results of other games that day.  What an invention, cheap, reliable, mostly, and enables the user to wander the streets annoying the public with loud music they hated.
My brother thought he was clever and bought a kit to make one for himself, I think the bits lay about for years.  Relatively cheap, they fitted into the pocket, offered a earphone to prevent others listening in, and abounded in time.
Radio's, with better quality, soon followed.  Everybody had one, all kids had one, on their beds usually, while searching out new radio stations, often situated on the seas nearby.  Eventually the BBC was modernised and Radio One came into being, playing better music than before.  I doubt it is better music now.  
The only downside was the ability of some to pay their battery powered music at high volume outside.
There were heard in parks, on beaches, and being thrown through windows by less than happy temporary neighbours.  Being trendy is not always popular.
I wonder how many of these things still lie about folks houses?